Thawte SSL123 Certificate
Domain Validation in Minutes!
Thawte SSL123 Certificates have the fastest issuance
time to quickly enable encrypted connections to your web server. This domain only validation SSL Certificate provides up to 256-bit encryption for
intranets, mail servers, and other web-based applications that are not at risk for phishing or fraud. Thawte SSL123 Certificates include domain authentication,
the Thawte Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
- Create a secure, private connection for intranets, mail and FTP servers, and other applications with issuance in about 10 minutes (depends on the availability of domain name registration information).
- Protect confidential information exchanged during secure sign-in and self-service interactions with up to 256-bit SSL encryption.
- Buy, renew, and manage certificates with a single, secure sign-in to Thawte Certificate Center.
- Save time and money by purchasing multi-year SSL certificates and additional licenses when securing multiple web servers for a single domain (co-location, clustering, load balancing web servers, etc.).
SSL Certificates
- Digicert Secure Site
- Digicert Secure Site Pro
- Digicert Secure Site EV SSL
- Digicert Secure Site Pro EV SSL
- Digicert Wildcard Certificate
- Digicert SAN Certificates
- Digicert Algorithm Agility
- Compare Digicert SSL Certificates
- Thawte SSL123 Certificate
- Thawte SSL Web Server Certificate
- Thawte EV SSL Certificate
- Thawte SSL Web Server Wildcard
- Thawte SAN Certificates
- Compare Thawte SSL Certificates